Ram Setu Images

Nasa Image Of Ram Setu

Nasa Satellite Images Of Ram Setu

Original Image Of Ram Setu Pic

Original Image Of Ram Setu

Ram Setu Bandh Image

Ram Setu Bridge Images

Ram Setu Image By Nasa

Ram Setu Images Hd

Ram Setu Original Image

Ram Setu Images

Ram Setu Original Images

Ram Setu Pul Image

Ram Setu Pul Images

Ram Setu Real Image

Ram Setu Satellite Images

Ram Setu Stone Images

Rameshwaram Ram Setu Bridge Images

Real Image Of Ram Setu

Satellite Image Of Ram Setu

Images Of Ram Setu Bridge

Nasa Image Of Ram Setu
Nasa Satellite Images Of Ram Setu
Original Image Of Ram Setu Pic
Original Image Of Ram Setu
Ram Setu Bandh Image
Ram Setu Bridge Images
Ram Setu Image By Nasa
Ram Setu Images Hd
Ram Setu Original Image
Ram Setu Images
Ram Setu Original Images
Ram Setu Pul Image
Ram Setu Pul Images
Ram Setu Real Image
Ram Setu Satellite Images
Ram Setu Stone Images
Rameshwaram Ram Setu Bridge Images
Real Image Of Ram Setu
Satellite Image Of Ram Setu
Images Of Ram Setu Bridge

The Ram Setu (or Adam's Bridge, as it is also known) is an enormous chain of limestone shoals stretching 48 km between India and Sri Lanka that connects through Mannar Bay to Palk Strait.

Hindu mythology claims that Lord Rama and his Vanara (monkey) army used this bridge to cross over into Lanka in order to rescue Goddess Sita from demon king Ravana. According to Hindu epic, this bridge was built within one night by Vanara troops, and existed completely above sea level until 1480 when natural disasters caused its submergence.

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